Make a Rocket with Rectangles and Triangles

Geometric shapes can make some great art and craft projects. Here’s a project perfect for your little space explorers. Make a rocket ship using rectangles and triangles cut out of colored paper. If you don’t have colored paper, you could use any kind of paper and either color it or leave it as is. If you want to talk about art, this could also make a great theme inspired collage project for your preschooler.

Paper rocket art project
Make a paper rocket art project with rectangles and triangles


Materials you need:

  • Paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue
Paper shapes for preschool rocket activity
Paper shapes for preschool rocket activity

How to make a rocket picture with paper rectangles and triangles:

  1. Cut out the rectangles and triangles as shown in the photo. Use can use any colors you’d like.
  2. Start with the largest rectangle, glue in place on a standard sized piece of paper.
  3. Add the additional shapes as show to create your own rocket ship.
  4. Once you have the rocket design created, consider adding glitter, paint and other extras to add your own unique flare.

For older preschoolers, you can have them cut out their own shapes for this project and practice their straight line cutting skills. Just draw the shapes for them to follow.

If you make this project with your preschooler, I’d love to see how your rocket turns out!


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