Food fun, learn AND eat eat vegetables at the same time! I keep seeing all these fantastic, fun food creations especially on Pinterest. I don’t always have time to make something elaborate and if you have a room full of preschoolers, fancy snacks are even harder to make time for. So I set out to come up with some ideas of fun food crafts and play time using food so we can talk about eating veggies and make them more fun.

Create a game or edible craft with carrots!
Get yourself a relatively large carrot and cut into a variety of shapes. The bigger the carrot, the easier it is to make triangles and decent sized rectangles. Make at least 2 of each shape, although 3 is just that much more fun.

Once you have the piece cut, your preschooler can play a matching game, pairing up the matching shapes or create pictures and other shapes by combining the geometric shapes. You could even use this as some snack time match if you’d like… “if I have 3 circles and I eat 1, how many circles are left?”.

I know playing with our food is generall discouraged, but if playing with food can make veggie eating fun, then I say, do it! You can create this project with just about any kind of hard fruit or vegetable, apples would also work really well. (cheese and salami or bologna would work too). Consider combining two food items to play a matching shape and food item game too.
What other fun food activities do you like to do?