Mirror Mirror, a Snow White themed movie starring Julia Roberts, Lily Collins and Armie Hammer, opens in theaters March 30th. I went and saw a pre-screening a couple nights ago and absolutely loved it! Its fun to watch and full of laughs, beautiful scenes and engaging characters. Although the movie is rated PG, it might be a little much for some preschoolers.

There are a few “scarey” scenes in the dark forest as well as a “beast that is rumored to eat people”. I think the film is best suited for families with children ages 7 and older. There were plenty of younger kids in the movie audience with no noise of disinterest or fear…just be aware. I think it would be a good movie to see as a family. Read the story with your preschooler and then see the movie, it’s a fun twist on the classic.
You can read my full review of Mirror Mirror on 100Directions.com
For all you fairytale fans, here are 4 coloring pages you can download for free from the Mirror Mirror movie.

Mirror Mirror Snow White coloring page

Mirror Mirror evil queen coloring page

Mirror Mirror 7 dwarves coloring page