Egg carton monsters

egg carton critters

Get out all the craft scraps and a cardboard egg carton and have some monster making fun! These cute critters are so much fun to make because there is no set design. Your preschooler can use their imagination and make anything they’d like. Mix stripes and sparkles and googly eyes and paint. These little monsters … Read more

Cheese quasadillas yum!

Cheese quasadilla

Here’s a little lunch or snack time fun your preschooler can help with. Cheese quasadillas are super easy, just cheese and 2 tortillas. You place a tortilla on one plate, cover in shredded/grated cheese and then place the second tortilla on top. Microwave for 45 seconds. If the cheese is not melted, microwave for another … Read more

Recycled plastic sun catcher

Recycled plastic suncatcher

Make a sun catcher using recycled plastic. All those take out containers, fruit boxes and other plastic from produce or products can be made into beautiful sun catchers. Just cut the plastic into shapes,paint, punch holes using a standard hole punch and string together. You can add beads, glitter or gem stickers for more sparkle.