Activities that call for glue can become quite a challenge for little hands. Squeezing the bottle isn’t always easy or glue sticks don’t always cover the area the way you want. This is when painting glue comes in handy.

For activities that call for full coverage an area for decorating such as glitter or rice pictures, paint-able glue is a fun and easy method to get the glue coverage you’re looking for while still allowing your preschool to fully participate in the activity.
You need:
- Regular school glue or Mod Podge
- Water
- Plastic container
To make paintable glue:
Mix 2 parts glue with 1 part water. You can either make just the amount you’ll need for the craft you’re working on, or make in a larger container to store for later. Stir together well – don’t shake. Shaking will create bubbles that you’ll have to let sit to settle for use.

- Use a paint brush that won’t lose a bunch of bristles when painting with glue.
- Make sure to thoroughly rinse out your brush when finished or you’ll end up with a hard, un-useable brush when it dries.
- Don’t make too big a container to use for a single craft, you’ll end up with left over that has various craft floaties such as glitter or paint brush bristles that you’ll probably not want to save.
- Store excess in a plastic or glass container with an air tight lid