Make a penguin

make a penguin

There are some great simple tutorials about how to draw penguins on and looking at the illustrations I thought this would also make a great “make a penguin” project. Instead of drawing the penguins, use this guide to cut out your own pieces to make your own penguins out of construction paper. You need … Read more

Create art with potato stamps

Potato stamp art

Potato stamps are a super fun activity for preschoolers. They don’t require a lot of materials nor expense, yet your kids will happily spend hours creating piles of pictures using these homemade craft supplies. Any type of potato will work, just make sure it’s not too big for little hands to easily manage. Adult supervision … Read more

Painting rocks

painting rocks

We love hunting for rocks and sticks and bugs, but then what do we do with our found treasures? In my house, we paint our rocks! It’s fun to explore the different rock shapes and then add our own pretty colors, funny faces and colorful patterns with paint. What you need: Rocks Watercolor paints Paintbrush … Read more